NZ$16,500.00 (248,764,492 đ)
Fee waiver/discount
Liên hệ trường
Đại học, Cao học
University of Canterbury
1 mỗi năm (avg)
Financial assistance with the costs associated with university study, to a value of NZ $16,500
All International
Dành cho mọi giới tính
Tất cả
Lựa chọn từ các ứng viên hợp lệ
Full Time
All intakes
Academic excellence
The purpose of this scholarship is to support students towards study for an Honours or Master's degree in Economics or Political Science at the University of Canterbury.
The scholarship is tenable for one year, by students enrolled in a programme for a master’s or an honours degree in Economics or Political Science at the University with a course weighting in the range 0.75–1.50 EFTS. Such a programme must include a research component of at least 30 points.
The scholarship is tenable in either Part I or Part II of a two-year Master's degree programme.
It is also tenable for 180-point, one-year Master's degrees offered by the Department of Political Science or the Department of Economics and Finance.
Ứng viên được lựa chọn dựa trên
In making its recommendation the Committee will consider: a. academic achievement; and b. potential of the student’s research (project/dissertation/thesis) to contribute to research in Economics or Political Science.
Bạn cần nộp hồ sơ xin học bổng riêng.
For further information, please contact the university website.
Closing Date: 5:00 pm (NZT) 15 October (Applications open approximately 8 weeks before this date)