Master of Science in Landscape Architecture (MSLA)


Nội dung bạn sẽ được học


The Master of Science in Landscape Architecture (MSLA) program is for students with prior LAAB-accredited degrees or extensive practice experience in Landscape Architecture who seek post-professional design studies with a topical focus on issues related to professional practice and evidence-based design in the urban environment. Students will be able to uniquely contextualize complex problems that are defined by large-scale systems of landscape ecologies, urban forces, and social conditions. The program of study includes research methodology and continuous development of inquiry and applied research in its approach to disciplinary knowledge. All graduates will complete a thesis or thesis research project reflecting independent work in their final semester of study.

The curriculum of the post-professional MSLA assumes the applicant has a level of professional education or experience that informs their desire to pursue a particular area of interest related to Landscape Architecture within the interdisciplinary atmosphere of graduate education in DAAP. A BS Landscape Architecture-accredited applicant or BLA accredited applicant would be eligible for licensure based on their first LAAB-accredited degree, so the post-professional, non-accredited MSLA at DAAP should be sought to advance an area of specialization with an emphasis on the practice of landscape architecture. The MSLA allows for numerous directed elective courses and certifications that support the development of specialization. This curriculum is therefore a landscape-based, advanced investigation of topics of particular interest to the student that advances and supports research and investigation in the practice of landscape architecture. The MSLA curriculum's post-co-op coursework capitalizes on the co-op experience, to be followed by the final semester of individual accomplishment of a thesis or thesis project based on scholarly investigation of practice as experienced in cooperative education.

The MSLA degree requirement is 49 credits, and because of its emphasis on the practice of landscape architecture, it requires at least one semester of Cooperative Education (Co-op).

MSLA applicants will indicate their selection of one of two Tracks (49 credits each):

MSLA Track 1: Post-Professional Degree, Interdisciplinary Emphasis w/1 co-op

Thesis or Thesis Project in collaboration with DAAP programs such as Fine Art, Industrial Design, Transportation Design, Planning, Architecture, or others

4 consecutive semesters including 1 co-op

25 core credits + 24 elective credits = 49 credits total

Elective credits to support the thesis or thesis project

MSLA Track 2: Post-Professional Degree, Professional Practice Emphasis w/2 co-ops

Thesis or Thesis Project on the critical practice of Landscape Architecture

5 consecutive semesters including 2 co-ops

25 core credits + 24 elective credits = 49 credits total.

Elective credits to support the thesis or thesis project

Khoa bạn sẽ vào học

College of Design, Architecture, Art and Planning

Các hình thức học tập

Toàn thời gian (2 năm)

Học phí
US$28,394.00 (717,658,356 đ) một năm

*Thông tin chi phí có thể chưa cập nhật tại thời điểm bạn xem. Vui lòng liên hệ nhà trường để kiểm tra lại.

Ngày bắt đầu

Tháng Một 2025

Địa điểm

UC Uptown West Campus

2600 Clifton Avenue,



45221, United States

Yêu cầu đầu vào

Dành cho sinh viên quốc tế

3.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) on a 4.0 scale at most recently attended academic institution.

Unofficial transcript(s) from all colleges/universities attended. Note: Official transcripts are not required during the admissions process, and only unofficial transcripts are required for the application.

Applicants from outside the U.S. are required to have test scores higher than the following minimums for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL): 84-85 (internet-based), 223 (computer-based), or 563 (paper-based). Other acceptable scores include above a 6.5 overall band score on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), or above a 54 on the Pearson (PTE).

Most students fulfill the English requirement by taking the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), the International English Testing System (IELTS), or the PEARSON Test of English (PTE). For IELTS, an overall band score of 6.5 is sufficient for graduate admission. For PEARSON, a score of 47 is sufficient. TOEFL requirements vary based on the type of TOEFL test taken, and scores are valid for up to two years. The minimum university requirement is: 520 (paper-based test), or 190 (computer-based test), or 80 (internet-based test).

*Có thể có những yêu cầu khác nhau về IELTS tùy thuộc vào khóa học bạn chọn


Giới thiệu trường University of Cincinnati

Đại học Cincinnati là nơi khai sinh của chương trình kết hợp (co-op) và dẫn đầu thế giới về việc ứng dụng học tập trong hơn 200 năm qua.

  • #1 đại học công lập về chương trình co-op và thực tập ở Hoa Kỳ
  • Có sự hỗ trợ tuyệt vời cho sinh viên quốc tế
  • Hơn 400 chương trình cấp bằng, gồm cả Chương trình chuyển tiếp
  • Nơi có độ an toàn tuyệt vời và cuộc sống đô thị sôi động