Master of Arts in Advanced Architectural Design (MA-ARH) - Track 2


Nội dung bạn sẽ được học

The Master of Arts in Advanced Architectural Design program allows students to specialize in a particular area of interest. Dedicated to advanced architectural design investigations immersed inside a large and vibrant art and design university, the program has an exceptional profile. Students develop their own interest covering diverse fields that mediate between contemporary architectural developments, design theory, and emerging technology. Through a curriculum lead by inspiring faculty, we enable our students to become responsible leaders in their field, possessing the skills to envision, design and construct a desirable and viable future, and therefore actively contribute towards the evolution of society and culture.

Khoa bạn sẽ vào học

School of Architecture

Các hình thức học tập

Toàn thời gian (5 học kỳ)

Học phí
US$33,696.00 (851,666,407 đ) một năm
USD $1,404 per unit.
Ngày bắt đầu

Tháng Chín 2025

Địa điểm

School of Architecture

79 New Montgomery Street,



94105, United States

Yêu cầu đầu vào

Dành cho sinh viên quốc tế

The MA-ARH Track 2 program is designed for students who have not graduated from Bachelor’s program related to Architecture.

English Proficiency:

All international students are required to take the TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo English Assessment before attending classes at the university. If you choose to take Duolingo, then you need to start an account with Duolingo, practice and take the test, and request your best score to be sent to our university. All scores/results must be received by the university two weeks before the start of the semester.