Environmental and Energy Law (J.D. Certificate)



Nội dung bạn sẽ được học

Environmental and energy issues permeate more and more areas of law amidst a profound transformation over the past 50 years in attitudes regarding the planet and its life support systems. Increasingly, air, soil, and water resources drive economic and public health issues, while public and private sectors focusing more attention on planning for the transition from fossil fuels to renewable forms of energy.

Chicago-Kent College of Law has been in the forefront of training legal professionals to deal with these critical, rapidly emerging issues. The J.D. Certificate in Environmental and Energy Law provides not only a firm grounding in the core legal principles of environmental law, but also an understanding of the underlying scientific, economic, and ethical concepts that inform environmental and energy policy.

This theoretical foundation is supplemented by practical application opportunities through externships or through supervised involvement in one of the nation's finest urban environmental justice clinics.

Program Overview

The J.D. Certificate in Environmental and Energy Law provides a firm grounding in the core legal principles of environmental law as well as an understanding of the underlying scientific, economic, and ethical concepts that inform environmental and energy policy.

Career Opportunities

The Environmental and Energy Law Program prepares students to join law firms that represent business entities subject to environmental and energy regulations, public interest groups that lobby for preventive and protective measures, public regulatory and enforcement agencies, corporations whose in-house counsel ensures operational compliance with regulations, and a host of related pursuits.

Possible jobs include:

Environmental law attorney

Land use and zoning attorney

Public interest attorney

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency attorney

U.S. Justice Department attorney

U.S. Department of the Interior attorney

Khoa bạn sẽ vào học

Chicago - Kent College of Law

Các hình thức học tập

Toàn thời gian (14 giờ)

Học phí
US$25,130.00 (635,160,755 đ) một năm
USD $1,795 per credit hour

*Thông tin chi phí có thể chưa cập nhật tại thời điểm bạn xem. Vui lòng liên hệ nhà trường để kiểm tra lại.

Hạn nộp đơn

Dự kiến June, November 2025

Ngày bắt đầu

Dự kiến Tháng Một 2026

Địa điểm

Chicago - Kent College of Law

565 West Adams Street,



60661, Midwest, United States

Yêu cầu đầu vào

Dành cho sinh viên quốc tế

Illinois Tech requires a four-year bachelor's degree conferred with a minimum cumulative undergraduate grade-point average of 3.0/4.0 (or its equivalent) from an accredited institution for regular admission. Individual departments may have different requirements, however.

Minimum Test Score Total for Admission without an Illinois Tech English Language Assessment Requirement

Internet TOEFL - 90+

Paper TOEFL - 600+

IELTS - 6.5+

PTE - 63+

Duolingo English Test - 110+

*Có thể có những yêu cầu khác nhau về IELTS tùy thuộc vào khóa học bạn chọn


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  • Cơ hội có việc làm trong vòng 6 tháng sau khi tốt nghiệp
  • Cơ sở vật chất và phương pháp giảng dạy hiện đại
  • Các chương trình học tập chủ động tạo cơ hội để sinh viên tiếp

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