Swansea College of Art - Master of Philosophy (MPhil)

Anh Quốc

Nội dung bạn sẽ được học

The Master of Philosophy degree is an internationally-recognised qualification which affords students the opportunity to investigate a topic relevant to the Faculty’s areas of expertise under the supervision of a team of qualified academic staff.

Just how do the poetics of literary giant Marcel Proust impact on the cutting edge digital rendering of film?

At Swansea College of Art we offer a wide range of M.Phil./PhD study across the wide fields of Art & Design. See our fees page for the cost of the courses.

We have an extensive list of academics holding doctorates and associated expertise that are able to supervise students engaged in research degree level work across all the major disciplines associated with a first class art school.

We are engaged in innovative pedagogy and research projects at the leading edge of knowledge across the arts and in design across the four schools that comprise Swansea College of Art:

Design & Applied Arts

Film & Digital Media

Fine Art & Photography

Visual Communication

Academics are engaged in important work from collaborative art practices to health and well-being, from advertising strategies to event and situation, from service networks to art history, from environmental studies to Deleuze studies, with a strong emphaisis on trans-disciplinarity and of course the building of original perspectives such as our Proutian example above.

Khoa bạn sẽ vào học

University of WalesTrinity Saint David

Các hình thức học tập

Toàn thời gian (2 năm)

Học phí
£15,000.00 (489,613,662 đ) một năm
Chi phí cố định
Ngày bắt đầu

Tháng Sáu 2025

Địa điểm

Swansea Campus

Technium 1,

Kings Road,


SA1 8PH, WALES, England

Toàn thời gian (2 năm)

Học phí
£15,000.00 (489,613,662 đ) một năm
Chi phí cố định
Ngày bắt đầu

Tháng Hai 2025

Địa điểm

Swansea Campus

Technium 1,

Kings Road,


SA1 8PH, WALES, England

Yêu cầu đầu vào

Dành cho sinh viên quốc tế

The benchmark entry requirement is a 2:1 or higher undergraduate degree. Mature students may apply with their portfolio and/or previous academic/industrial career taken into account. An overall English Language level equivalent to an IELTS score of 6.5 (or equivalent) with no lower than 6.5 in reading and writing, and with no lower than 5.5 in listening or speaking.

*Có thể có những yêu cầu khác nhau về IELTS tùy thuộc vào khóa học bạn chọn