East Asian Studies and Law BA (Hons)

Anh Quốc

Nội dung bạn sẽ được học

The BA East Asian Studies combined degree programme blends the study of both East Asian languages and East Asia-related subjects in various disciplines. Compared to the existing single-subject BA East Asian Studies degree, there is less emphasis on language learning. There is no year abroad included.Through the course of the three years, students take modules in modern East Asian languages at the appropriate level. They can start as complete beginners, or they can start from higher levels. Progression through a total of four levels is offered, whereas for those who exceed the highest level, language-based courses in literature and film, as well as a language-based dissertation, are available. The programme also offers courses in regional languages.The SOAS Law Combined Honours Degree is a 3 or 4-year full time degree, which aims to produce highly skilled, civic minded and critically engaged graduates, who can effectively contribute to their communities and societies through the knowledge and skills gained on this course.In an increasingly interconnected world, law is no longer the preserve of single jurisdictions as legal issues are no respecters of national borders. A SOAS Law degree addresses this need by providing our students with an educational experience that equips you with a distinctive set of skills far beyond what is offered by most traditional Law Schools.The nature of the Combined Honours degree enables you to develop a specialist niche for yourself by studying a second subject.The BA Law Combined Honours Degree is aimed primarily at those not wishing to become practicing lawyers, but provides students with a wide range of analytical and transferable skills and is suitable for any profession in which a non-specialised degree is required.

Khoa bạn sẽ vào học


Các hình thức học tập

Toàn thời gian (3 năm)

Học phí
Thông tin hiện chưa cập nhật

Vui lòng kiểm tra với trường

Ngày bắt đầu

Tháng Chín 2025

Địa điểm

Main Site

Thornhaugh Street,




*Có thể có những yêu cầu khác nhau về IELTS tùy thuộc vào khóa học bạn chọn


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